Website for personal use

Do you have a hobby or interest you want to present online? We will help set up a personal website for you. 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. You only pay when you have received and are satisfied with the product! The amount below is in Norwegian kroner. Please see further down for price in dollars.

kr 5.900

Do you want to set up your own personal website? It can be a blog, photographs, or other hobby business that you want to present. We will help you set up professional websites, with a clean and nice design, tailored to your purpose. Contact here , or press the order button above, to know what I can do for you. 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. Remember: You pay nothing until you have received and are happy with the product!

I tillegg til oppsett betales kr. 149,- i måneden. Beløpet dekker løpende utgifter til server, samt oppdateringer og backup. Faktura sendes to ganger i året. Vi strekker oss langt for å gi deg optimal kundeservice innenfor dette beskjedne beløpet.

The package includes:

arrow Registration of domain names according to your wishes.
arrow Personal Website Setup (WordPress)
arrow Instructions so you can edit the content of your web pages yourself.
arrow Responsive design - Optimized for mobile, tablet and laptop.
arrow Email with your domain name.
arrow Additional modules such as contact form etc.
arrow Automatic backup (backup)
arrow Security certificate

With focus on:

100 prosent fornøyd garanti. pengene-tilbake-garanti

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